31 May 2010

Telling the Truth to Chevron at Houston Shareholder Meeting

On May 26, FACES Aileen Suzara delivered testimony to Chevron CEOs, board members and shareholders at the Annual General Meeting telling the truth about Chevron's hazardous depot in Manila, the Philippines, and express solidarity with dozens of True Cost of Chevron Network activists unfairly denied entry.  Read below for the statement and media coverage:

Aileen Suzara's Testimony to Chevron Representatives

I first would echo the outrage expressed for the legal proxies who have been denied entrance to this meeting. They have traveled to speak to shareholders about Chevron’s true costs in their communities, from Ecuador, Canada, Australia, Burma, Colombia and more. Denying these voices is not a part of The Chevron Way.

I am here because over 80,000 Filipino residents live next to and are negatively impacted by Chevron’s depot in Manila, the Philippines. Chevron’s Manila depot operations are a threat to human health and the environment. People are suffering from exposure to depot emissions and constant spills, accidents and leaks. Rather than a proper buffer zone to protect residents from depot hazards, Chevron and its partners built a buffer that is only 15 meters wide, and contains a park where children walk and play.

Yet despite strong public outcry, numerous ordinances, and a clear order from the Supreme Court demanding its closure, your company continues to operate and refuses to leave. People in the Philippines want healthy lives free from the dangers and health effects of Chevron’s depot. They want to see their children grow up in a healthy and safe environment.

Chevron, when will you listen to the will of the people and safely relocate your depot? Will you go, or will you remain as you are?

Unless Chevron makes changes, vulnerable communities like those in the Philippines and those whose representatives wait outside these doors will continue to suffer. Take leadership and live up to the environmental and human rights principles you claim are the Chevron Way. To shareholders present today, you have the power to make Chevron the humane and healthy company it can and should be. Thank you.


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