23 May 2011

Powerful Int'l Protest to Expose the True Cost of Chevron

On Wednesday, May 25th, 2011 join in spirited protest at the Chevron headquarters in San Ramon, during the annual Chevron shareholders meeting. FACES will stand with our allies with the True Cost of Chevron campaign to show the strength of our communities against Chevron's environmental bullying!

FACES Board of Directors member Mari Rose Taruc will directly address the Chevron Board of Directors and CEO along with representatives from other impacted communities. Mari Rose will share some of the experiences of our allies in Manila on behalf of FACES and AESJ, giving the Chevron shareholders a glimpse of the real impacts of Chevron's operations in the Philippines.

While delegates will demand environmental justice on the inside, we need your help to raise the roof on the outside! Beginning 7 am we will hold chants, peaceful actions, and solidarity building in front of the Chevron head quarters. Please join us for any part or all of the day!

When: Wednesday, May 25, 2011, 7:00 AM
Where: Chevron Headquarters, 6001 Bollinger Canyon Road, San Ramon, CA
What: Chevron Annual Shareholders Meeting

For more details on the protest visit http://truecostofchevron.com/protest.html. Or join us on the Facebook event page!

On the day of the protest, FACES Board member Aileen Suzara will be the FACES point of contact on the outside. If you need to find us or have questions call 510-409-8627.

Also please join us with our allies at the True Cost of Chevron at these events leading up to the international protest:

Monday, May 23, Teach-In on the True Cost of Chevron
Where: David Brower Center, Berkeley
When: 7-9 PM

Tuesday, May 24, Press Conference in San Francisco followed by Toxic Tour of Richmond.
When: Press conference at 10 am, location in SF tbd
Followed by Toxic Tour, leaving SF for Richmond at noon

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